My Story

Hi I'm Anna. I am a sound practitioner and natural mindfulness guide. I am passionate about supporting people on their paths to a calmer, more mindful approach to day to day life.

I began my own journey in 2001 when I received my Reiki attunement on a backpacking year in Canada. Since then I have studied reflexology, foraging, plant folklore, Tibetan bowls, crystal singing bowls, bio sonic tuning forks, been a gardener for the National Trust and some other things along the way. 

After experiencing a transformative sound healing myself I founded Nurturing Rituals. My sessions blend the various techniques I've found work along the way. 

I had suffered various health issues myself and am honoured to help others along their journeys.


At Nurturing Rituals, we believe that the combination of sound, connected time in nature and wellness practices are essential for living a balanced and fulfilling life. We are committed to providing our clients with personalized and immersive experiences that promote deep relaxation, time for reflection and a little bit of peace and calm.  We are dedicated to ongoing learning and development in the field of sound therapy and wellness, and are always seeking new ways to improve and enhance our offerings.